June is a favorite month for many. It’s a time of beautiful weather, it marks the beginning of summer and it’s often filled with many vacations, barbecues and pool parties. It’s also when we celebrate World Environment Day, which is a United Nation’s event that promotes the protection of the environment.
World Environment Day is focused on education, advocacy, and outreach with the goal of raising awareness about environmental issues and inspiring people to make changes and take action. Celebrated since 1974, the day is now recognized by over 143 countries.
At Energy Sharks Heating & Air, we’re proud to be a part of this celebration and to do our part to protect the environment. And, in the spirit of the day, we want to share some energy-friendly tips with you to help you be a little more environmentally friendly this summer.
Tip 1: Do Your Best to Keep Heat Away
There are a few ways that you can work to keep the heat out of your home, even on the hottest days. Before summer arrives, consider planting trees or large shrubs around your home.
These will provide shade and help to shield your home from the sun and heat. During the summer, help to block the heat by closing blinds, light curtains or any window coverings that you have. You’d be surprised how quickly the summer sun can increase the temperature in your home.
While we all hate to block natural light, keeping it out – especially during the heat of the day – will help to keep your home cooler. A final way to make your home feel better on hot days is by running ceiling fans throughout the day.
During the summer, always make sure that these are spinning counter-clockwise so that they’re pushing air downwards. While these won’t actually lower the temperature, they will help to circulate cool air and will add a windchill effect, making your home feel more comfortable.
Tip 2: Maintain Body Temperature
While this might seem like a challenge, one effective way to do this is by staying hydrated and by regularly drinking cool water.
Cool water is not only refreshing, but it also helps to lower your body temperature, which allows you to feel cooler. So, rather than turning to the thermostat, turn to that pitcher of ice water this year to keep your family hydrated and cool.
Tip 3: Prevent Air Leakage
This can be especially problematic in older homes. By properly sealing all cracks and leaks, you can prevent the loss of cold air, help your home stay cooler and make your home more energy efficient year round.
While you’re working to properly seal your home, it’s worth ensuring that your home is properly insulated. By having adequate insulation in your attic, you can make your home even more efficient and more effectively keep hot air out and cold air in.
We hope these tips will help you to stay a little cooler this summer and that you find some additional ways to celebrate World Environment Day this year. Do you know others that want to stay cool and be energy efficient? If so, please share this post with them!