If you are like many homeowners, you know there are a lot of working parts to your heating system, but you aren’t really sure what they all do. So, when you begin to discover that your heat pump isn’t working properly, you may be wondering whether you should simply have it repaired or go ahead and replace it. At Energy Sharks, we believe you should give us a call if you are having problems with your heat pump. Here are four signs it may be time for replacement:
- Noise – If your heat pump is suddenly making more noise than usual, you may need to have it checked out. And, if this one-time problem becomes a regular occurrence, this is a good indicator a new heat pump is in sight.
- Humidity – If some parts of your home are warmer than others or your home seems to be humid, this is an indicator your heat pump may not be working properly. Especially if your heat pump is 10 years old or more, you may determine a replacement is the best option.
- Energy Bill – If you notice your energy bill is higher than usual, your heat pump could be the culprit. Check to make sure there hasn’t been a rate increase in your area, and if not, it may be time to consider heat pump replacement.
Cost of Repairs – If you are constantly calling to have your heat pump repaired and the cost of repairs has exceeded the cost of a new pump, it may be time to replace it so you don’t have the hassle anymore.