Receiving a tax refund usually makes people face the quandary of “do I save it?” or “do I spend it?” There is pleasure involved with both solutions, as you feel good seeing your savings account grow, but nothing quite beats the instant gratification of purchasing something that you’ve had your eye on. What if you could do both? If you have an older HVAC system, investing in HVAC replacement gives you the opportunity to spend your tax refund in a way that also leads to savings.
Any investment into making your home more energy-efficient is going to reap energy-saving rewards. Whether you have your HVAC system serviced so it operates more efficiently or you go straight to HVAC replacement and get a system that is designed to operate more efficiently, you will have spent your tax refund in a wise manner. If you are spending too much each month to heat and cool your home, that money is forever gone, whereas investing in your HVAC system gives you a return on the investment that continues for years to come. In fact, that return could be higher than another investment you could have used your tax refund for.
If you would like reliable information that can help you decide if HVAC replacement would provide you with the gratification and long-term rewards you would like to get from your tax refund or other funds, reach out to us at Energy Sharks. We will be happy to assess the condition of your current equipment and let you know what you could expect from a newer, more energy-efficient system. Call today to schedule an appointment.