How many of us put trust in a four leaf clover when it comes to the comfortability of our homes? If you are not the type that puts a whole lot of trust into a four leaf clover, we understand!
At Energy Sharks Heating & Air, we make our own luck, and we share it with our customers! Being comfortable in your home is not a matter of luck, but a matter of maintenance.
HVAC maintenance to put a fine point on it. As we are spreading our maintenance luck around, we are going to tell you exactly how to keep your home as comfortable as possible!
Know Your Thermostat
According to experts, setting your thermostat between 75 and 78 degrees in the summer, and 68 degrees in the winter, is the most comfortable temperature. Recent research has also shown that lowering the temperature in rooms you are not using is more energy efficient than keeping the thermostat on low all day.
Even though your thermostat has the least amount of parts, it can cause some major issues. Having regular maintenance done can prevent issues like improperly installed covers, and having a base slip out of place. Both issues can cause your HVAC system to work incorrectly. Another common issue is debris that makes its way inside thermostat throwing off the calibration.
Even if your temperature is off by a couple degrees, it can cause a substantial increase to your energy costs. Having a HVAC maintenance professional check your system at least once a year can decrease the likelihood of having any issues that may disrupt your comfort level.
Benefits of Using a Humidifier or Dehumidifier
Dehumidifiers work to remove the moisture from the air, and keep you cool. They also reduce things like mold, dust mites, and allergens from the air. On the other hand; cold regions and the winter months can be brutal on your sinuses, skin and hair.
A humidifier puts moisture back into the air allowing you to feel more comfortable when the humidity level is low. Having a humidifier can also reduce the likelihood of becoming ill, and will actually help speed up the healing process when you do catch a cold.
Don’t Forget your Air Handler
It is part of your heating/cooling unit and is generally attached to a ductwork system. Getting regular HVAC maintenance done on your air handler can actually prevent issues with your plumbing.
The condensation that is produced by your cooling system is collected in the air handler. In some homes, the condensation is drained into the sewer line. If, for example, you have an undetected back-up in your sewer line, it can cause the condensation to back up into the air handler.
Unfortunately, if the backup is not detected, the condensation can leak out onto your floor, and into your walls and ceiling. HVAC maintenance can prevent this disaster and save you a considerable amount of money. If mold and mildew occur in your wall, you could be looking at a situation that no one is comfortable with!
Help Others With HVAC Luck
Being comfortable in your own home is not about luck, but about choice! Knowing when and how to keep your HVAC in good repair is essential to an enjoyable home atmosphere. A four-leaf clover is never a bad thing to have, but a well-working HVAC system is worth so much more!
Now that you have had your dose of luck by reading this article; why not share the love? Share this info with others, or give your own HVAC secrets!