As the holidays roll around, it isn’t uncommon to be stretching your budget a bit more than usual. The last thing you need is an unexpected repair to come up. If you do not want to face a heating repair bill this time of year, it is advisable to take steps that could prevent a problem. Here are some tips for avoiding heating repair:
- Keep the thermostat consistent- While it can save energy to use a programable thermostat, you don’t want to make drastic, frequent changes to the temperature. This makes your furnace work harder. In short, don’t get into a battle with others about the ideal temperature setting. Work it out and stick with one temperature rather than switch it up constantly throughout the day so you aren’t overworking the furnace and pushing it toward needing repair.
- Change the filter- Your furnace will work overtime if it can’t get enough airflow because of a clogged filter. In most cases, changing the filter monthly is a good goal, although conditions in your home could shift this frequency a tad.
- Keep it cooler- Consistency in temperature is important, but so is keeping your home a bit cooler. Again, you want to make your furnace work as little as possible if you want to extend its life and reduce the need for a heating repair. As a side note, studies show that people get more restful sleep in a cool bedroom, so that is another plus worth thinking about.
- Don’t skip maintenance- Ideally, you should have had the furnace serviced a month or two ago, but if you haven’t, don’t try to save money now by foregoing maintenance, or you could end up with a heating repair bill that is a bigger budget-buster.
If, despite these tips, you end up needing heating repair, you can still keep your holiday season going strong when you call on us at Energy Sharks. We take pleasure in being the most affordable heating and cooling company in the area. For more than 40 years, we have showing our customers that we are experts at taking a bite out of high prices. Call today with any questions that you might have.