Generally once the grip of winter is finally lessening and the spring rains are starting up, we sit back, just contentedly enjoying the lower utility bills now that we can shut off the furnace, at least during the day. The last thing you probably want to think about is the summer cooling bills to come, but now is the time you should be finding out if your AC unit is ready for summer.
One reason for this is that if you are facing an AC unit repair, it will be less taxing on your budget if you aren’t already facing those summer utility bills, as well. Additionally, by taking care of the repair when it isn’t hot and humid yet, you won’t be uncomfortable while the repair is going on and the AC unit cannot be operated– not to mention that finding out the AC unit won’t come on when it has already gotten hot and you now have to wait for service isn’t the best scenario, either. Speaking of waiting, keep in mind that if you wait, you may have a long list of other customers ahead of you who also waited and found out on this hot day that their AC unit is not functioning, either.
It only takes a moment to turn on your AC unit to see if it is working. To go a step further, call us at Energy Sharks and let us run a diagnostics on it to be sure it is not only coming on, but it also functioning at peak performance. With a bit of maintenance, you may even get to avoid the worst of the utility bills because the system will be operating as it should. We serve the Greenville, South Carolina area with AC unit maintenance, repair, installation, and replacement.