August is National Wellness Month, which gives us a perfect opportunity to discuss air quality and why it’s important to you. It’s essential that the air you breathe is clean; the more polluted the air, the higher risk you have for short term and long term health problems.
Did you know that the average person inhales about 14,000 liters of air per day? That’s a lot of breathing! In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of air quality and how you can maintain it within your home with your HVAC system.
Your HVAC System is Essential to The Air You Breathe
Did you know that without your HVAC system in your home or business the way you live and work would be much different?
The air you breathe indoors wouldn’t be conducive to your health and you’d certainly be pretty uncomfortable with the summer heat or cold winter temperatures.
Thankfully, in 1902 HVAC was invented and it changed the game. As it evolved, it became a staple in our homes and provides clean, filtered, healthy, and comfortable air.
Filters for Indoor Air Quality
The filters we use in our HVAC systems are heavily responsible for indoor air quality – but there are a few different kinds, all with different functionality. Let’s take a look at some of the main filters used in HVAC:
HEPA Filters – Those with allergies appreciate these filters since they screen out 99.97% of contaminants.
UV Filters – If bacteria and viruses are a concern within your home or office, this is a good filter to use. UV filters help to screen out dangerous microorganisms.
Fiberglass Air Filters – These are the cheapest filters, generally. They aren’t that great at filtering out pollutants, however. They are better at protecting your system.
Washable Air Filters – These are money savers since they’re reusable, but they are more expensive to purchase initially.
Pleated Filters – These filters are perfect for filtering out dust and other allergens.
Electrostatic Air Filters – These air filters use an electrostatic charge to magnetize and trap dust as well as other particles.
Prepare Your Home During Back to School
While August is National Wellness Month, it’s also back to school time for many students. What comes with back to school? Colds!
Now more than ever it’s time to make sure the air in your home is being filtered properly in order to keep your family from passing colds and viruses to one another.
Having properly filtered air in your home can also help to lessen the amount of time a cold sticks around. Keeping all of these aspects in mind, where would we be without HVAC?
These systems are important to not only temperature regulation in our homes and businesses, but they are essential to keeping the air we breathe clean and healthy.
If your HVAC is due for service or you feel your home’s air quality could be better, call the experts at Energy Sharks Heating & Air at (864) 263-3730. We’ll send an experienced technician to your home to make sure everything is working as it should.