Some of the country has already seen its first snowfall, and other areas will soon be experiencing cold enough temperatures to potentially have snow soon. You might be wondering if you have missed the boat on taking care of furnace replacement. While there would have been an advantage to doing it a month or two ago so that your first heating bill was lower, it is far from being too late. There are several more months where you’ll need your furnace to be as energy efficient as possible if you are to leave some room in your budget for other things.
Another reason why now is a good time for furnace replacement is because you want to have a dependable furnace before the lowest temperatures of the season kick in. The last thing you want is for your furnace to cease operating in the dead of winter, resulting in scrambling to schedule installation before your home and family suffers terribly from the cold.
You can expect to not have heat for at least a few hours while the system is being installed and testing and adjustments are accomplished. If you wait until there are sustained freezing temperatures, you would be uncomfortable and could put your plumbing at risk of freezing and being damaged.
If you want to avoid potential problems and maximize your energy savings, now is definitely the time to schedule furnace replacement. If you are in the Greenville, South Carolina area, give us a call at Energy Sharks to schedule an appointment. We’ll help you take a bite out of high prices for heating your home.